Friday, June 27, 2008

Romans 2:11: God is no Respector of Persons

In recent days, there has been much buzz about an upcoming CNN program, Black in America, set to air in July of ’08. It looks to be interesting and has already sparked much dialogue and a corresponding a frantic email campaign. However, for American Blacks, this just one more notable moment in what has already been a banner year of notable moments.

Consider with me, in 2008, we’ve experienced all of the following:

All of this is encouraging; however, it only served to remind me that the advancement of a few of us is not indicative of state of all of us. This point was particularly brought home to me by an article posted on the site, Black Communications: Ten worst places to be Black. This article, written by Bruce Dixon, was brought to my attention by my brother in law; who works in the criminal justice system, as a supplier court ordered psychological treatment. Mr. Dixon has since written: “From Slavery to Mass Incarceration, the role of prisons in American society.” I encourage you to read both articles (if only to become better informed).

I found the article both affirming as well as potentially depressing - it affirms that we are not crazy to trust our gut instincts. Additionally, it left me feeling not only conflicted, but inspired to cry out to God! The statistics are heart wrenching! I don’t really think that this article tells us anything new or anything that most Black Americans did not already know in their heart of hearts. What it does do, is give hard statistical evidence to validate many of our suspicions.

So here is my two cents:

I do not disagree that the media is biased or that Americans generally are insulated and ignorant of what is happening globally as well as bing less than knowledgeable of how we (Americans), as races and ethnicities within America and as a collective culture are portrayed to the world. However, I do feel that the current behavior of the media and the popular culture are a result of long standing bigotry which has become encapsulated and deeply ingrained within social policies. In earlier times these policies were overt, now days they are much more subtle, not as easily identifiable, but always obvious to their victims. For Blacks in America, discrimination, even reverse discrimination, has been a way of life. To one degree or another, throughout the entire history of this nation and even unto today, it continues to be so evidenced by personal experience, statistical evidence, and by the eloquently articulated articles listed below and above:

I personally feel that this is a multifaceted issue that we can look to no-one but God and ourselves (as individuals, families, & communities) to solve. Slavery (historical, physical slavery) was the first form of incarceration inflicted on the American Blacks… its legacy still follows us to this day. Originally, when – families were separated, children often grew up without father &/or mothers; Black women struggled alone to raise their own children, as well as others orphaned by the system. They attempted to provide some cohesive, cogent, support system. Black people were generally demoralized, opportunities were scarce, and the benefits of education were reaped by only a selective few … in light of this history, the argument could be made that not much has really changed.

Today, however, I feel that our continued collective enslavement is very much of our own making. We fought a good fight during the Civil Rights Era; however, after Martin or Malcolm, we basically quit and failed to be vigilant and diligent. We began to build a house on the sand and naively expected that it would not only continue to stand, but to stand without time and attention. As a rule –

  • We have failed to impress the importance of the continued struggle for equality; the necessity of education; the value of self respect; and the benefits and necessity of giving back to our communities, into the hearts, minds, and psyches of our children.

  • We replaced leadership with selfishness as evidence by the number of black professionals who turn their backs on the black community

  • We have bought into the idea that weak black families should be the norm as indicated by the large number of black men with children by multiple mothers and the number of black children who may not even know their fathers.

  • We replaces drive for Kwanzaa principle of Kujichagulia, self-determination (the quest for 40 acres and a mule), with rampant consumerism (we’ve become a nation of borrowers and renters), which is only a continuing means of indenturing ourselves, our children, and our communities.

  • Our children are more concerned with trivial pursuits, celebrity exploits, and fickle fashions than education, home &/or business ownership.

  • Our daughters and our sons have little if any respect for themselves or each other.
    Ø So many of our daughters dress like whores. (I posit that this is because they have often lacked the benefits of a strong, positive, father figures in their formative days – therefore, many are seeking male reinforcement to their fragile self-esteem through the bartering for momentary sexual gratification for fleeting male shows of attention, appreciation, or affection)
    Ø Our sons regard our daughters like so many disposable commodities – regularly replacing them on a whim and often referring to them as bitches and hoes. They mistakenly believe that the proof of their manhood is not in the eternal esteem of the God that they should be serving, the quality of the families and communities they building, or the level of education that they achieving, but rather in how often they "hit it and quit it", or in how much "bling" they flash, &/or that they are not perceived as “punks”, even if it means that they’ve cripple their capacity for future success with felony convictions.

Now the plight of Black people in America, or that of any oppressed people, is not beyond the care, concern, or the capability of God. When Moses asked God what was his name, God replied, “I am that I am”… or my paraphrase: “God is”. Now you may ask: “Jeannie, what exactly do you mean when you say that “God is”?” Simply this:

  • God is no respecter of persons [Romans 2:11, Acts 10:34, 2 Samuel 14:14]

  • As indicated in all of His identified names and titles, there is provision of any and every need.

  • God will always provide a way of escape. [1 Corinthians 10:13]
    2 Chronicles 7:14 says: If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
    Ø Psalm 127:1 says: Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the LORD keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain.

Father, your word says that people are destroyed without knowledge and that they perish without vision [Hosea 4:6, Proverbs 29:18]. Therefore, Father, this moment we pray for our people, for the black people in America, for the oppressed and distressed everywhere, and for any who are as yet unsaved… Father, PLEASE SAVE as many as you can!

Father, we submit ourselves unto you and you along Oh LORD!

  • Help those of us who know and love you to fully and freely operate in your Spirit, under your unctions and in your anointing .

  • Help us to implement the visions you will provide us. Help us to execute these divine revelations through your Word, your Will, and in your Way. [Isaiah 45:11, James 1:5, 1 John 5:14]

  • Help us to prosper everything that concerns us: these people, these families, these communities, & these nations as only you can. [Psalm 138:8]

This day Father, like the children of the fiery furnace, we strech out on our faith [Daniel 3], and prove you to the world. [Malachi 3:10] We choose to deliberately walk in blessings and prosperity according to your will. [Deuteronomy 11:24] We loose prosperity in our proximity. [Matthew 16:18-20] We decree Shalom, total deliverance - nothing missing or nothing broken in all these area of our lives. For the Great Glory of God we deliberately expand your power and influence in the earth thru the Gospel. [Job 22:28, Romans 1:16]

In Jesus’ Name - We count this done!
Amen & Amen!

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